Dealers Wanted!
Keep $100 on each order!
FREE* Dealership...
Earn 50% on sales! Plus YOU KEEP ALL THE MONEY ($20) on Dealerships you sell/fill!
We will
This package purchased elsewhere would range from $500 to $900 in value[] Web page submitted to up to 9,000+ Search engines/indexes.
Only $199 (First-Time and $99 There-After for your own use or to sell.)
Don’t have a web page! Don’t worry, we will give you a.. FREE Web Page. just send us your camera ready 8 x 11 Circular and we will make it into a web page for you. Then we will submit it to up to 9.000+ search engines/indexes. PLUS we will give you your own unique INTERNET address that you can use on all your sales materials to tell the world that you too are on the Web! Check this box and be sure to include your payment and C/R Circular with order.
See Details…
- No computer necessary!
- No purchase of services required for you to obtain a dealership!*
- We do all the work!
- You keep $100 on each sale you make! Just send the prime source S99 plus the I customers order and they do ab the work!
- You receive a circulars, c/r ads, and sales letter to help you sell. All ready for your imprint!
- You keep 100% ($25) on each dealership you sell. You just copy the dealership materials we send you (4+ pages). Just copy and send to your customers. Prime Source fills the Search Engine Submission and Web Site Orders for you.
Now you too can make INTERNET MONEY by Helping Others Achieve Instant Internet Traffic To Their Website or Home Page!
As a savvy internet marketer, you are well aware that simply having a website does not mean also know that no matter how much you have spent on developing your website, it is very critical that you market your website to the right people based on what you have to offer. You know that with no traffic to your website you will get no sales.